Within the framework of the <link http: www.german-turkish-scienceyear.com homepage _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>German-Turkish Science Year Dr. Özlen Ferruh Erdem, postdoc at the MPI CEC and Prof. Hayrettin Yücel from the <link http: www.metu.edu.tr _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Middle East Technical University (METU) organised a conference on energy technologies during 13.-15. October 2014, at the METU, in Ankara, Turkey.
The conference brought experts in the field of recent energy technologies covering alternative and clean energy production and storage approaches from chemical, biological and material science perspectives. Around 170 attendees shared their research on topics ranging from thin film semiconducting solar cells to biotechnologically relevant enzymes, from biomimetic inorganic catalysts to batteries.
More information and some pictures can be found at the <link http: www.energytechnologies2014.com _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>homepage of the conference.