Max Planck Day 2018

What are the fuels of the future? Lecture by Robert Schlögl

On the occasion of the nationwide "Max Planck Day" on September 14th, CEC Director Robert Schlögl gave an exciting lecture on the fuels of the future and the potential of synthetic fuels.
In keeping with the lecture's title "Put the sun in the tank" he revealed what he thinks of the scandal surrounding the combustion engine, what our goals are (or should be) with regard to the energy revolution, how energy can best be transported and what a sustainable energy system looks like.
Mobility plays a central role, not only in Schlögl's lecture.
However, above all the coupling of all sectors (transport, heat and electricity) is essential for a successful energy turnaround, Schlögl said.

A detailed summary of the presentation can be found at <link https: _blank external-link-new-window internal link in current> Also the WDR was present and reported in the "Lokalzeit Ruhr"; A longer article was also published in the <link https: muelheim politik entscheider-ueberzeugen-warum-aus-wissenschaftlicher-sicht-die-aktuelle-energiewende-politik-scheitern-wird-d983517.html _blank external-link-new-window internal link in current>Mülheimer Woche (in German).