Serena DeBeer as Guest-Editor in Chemistry of Materials

Virtual Issue on X-ray spectroscopy

The journal <link http: journal cmatex external-link-new-window internal link in current>Chemistry of Materials just published a virtual issue on ‘<link http: page vi xrayspectroscopy.html external-link-new-window internal link in current>Applications of Modern X-ray Spectroscopy in Chemistry’ that highlights articles published in the last 18 months in eight <link http: page about-us.html external-link-new-window internal link in current>ACS journals demonstrating the diversity of applications of X-ray spectroscopy.

<link internal-link internal link in current>Prof. Serena DeBeer, director at the MPI CEC of the department ‚<link internal-link internal link in current>Inorganic Spectroscopy’ was invited as a Guest Editor of the issue.
Prof. DeBeer is a leading researcher in the field of X-ray Spectroscopy. Her research focuses on the development and application of advanced spectroscopic tools to understand fundamental processes in heterogeneous, molecular and biological catalysis.

Four of the highlighted articles in the virtual issue are written and published by Prof. DeBeer or one of her current or former group members. Therefore, it is not surprising that Chemistry of Materials chose Prof. DeBeer as a Guest Editor for this special issue.

Chemistry of Materials on the importance of X-ray Spectroscopy: „In recent years, the sophistication of both soft and hard X-ray spectroscopy beam lines have evolved greatly, allowing for a wide variety of experiments that combine both X-ray absorption (XAS) and X-ray emission (XES) in order to obtain more detailed electronic structural information from a given photoabsorber. By combining the experimental results with theory, more quantitative insights are obtained, and X-ray spectroscopy has thus advanced beyond the mere fingerprinting of oxidation states that was once commonplace. This has resulted in both new experimental approaches, as well as new theoretical interpretation tools, that allow advanced X-ray spectroscopic approaches to be utilized for ever more complex questions, which are at the forefront of materials chemistry and catalysis research. Of particular importance have been developments for in situ and in operando studies of functional systems, with time-resolved studies providing further insights into fundamental processes of bond making and breaking.“ (source: <link http: page vi xrayspectroscopy.html external-link-new-window internal link in current>Chemistry of Materials)