Why we're into power-to-x

Special Edition of the journal Chemie Ingenieur Technik

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In January, the journal Chemie Ingenieur Technik published a special issue on the subject of "Power-to-x":

"Chemistry is the central science to enable the transformation of the energy system," it says in the <link https: onlinelibrary.wiley.com doi cite.202070102 _blank>editorial by CEC director <link>Walter Leitner, Rüdiger Eichel (<link https: cec.mpg.de typo3 www.fz-juelich.de _blank>FZ Jülich) and Kurt Wagemann (<link https: dechema.de _blank>DECHEMA). After all, not only do we need to reduce the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, we now need negative emissions to keep the earth's surface temperature below 2 degrees. Using electricity from renewable sources to produce chemicals or energy carriers from CO2 is therefore essential for climate protection

Original Publication: Eichel, R.A., Leitner, W., Wagemann, K. (2020). Warum wir uns mit Power-to-x beschäftigen. Chemie Ing. Technik, Volume 92, Issue 1-2, Special issue: Power-to-x. <link https: doi.org cite.202070102 _blank>
