WissensNacht Ruhr 2018


Great day for families, children and employees

Last Friday (28.09.2018) the regional event '<link https: www.wissensnacht.ruhr home external-link-new-window internal link in current>WissensNacht Ruhr' took place, an event with numerous participatory activities, shows and demonstrations on the subject of science throughout the Ruhr area.

Of course, the MPI CEC was also there and inspired the many visitors at the location of the <link https: www.hochschule-ruhr-west.de external-link-new-window internal link in current>University of Applied Sciences Ruhr-West with experimental stations and lectures.

Curious children helped our Sherlock Planck to identify a white powder by applying various analytical methods. Our former and current trainees have shown the young scientists which tools they can use to independently investigate and characterize a substance.

Afterwards, many young people took the opportunity and built their own solar cells from fruit tea.

In addition, Prof. Alexander Auer took the visitors into the world of molecules and brought them a little closer to our field of research with fantastic 3D animations.

The Wissensnacht Ruhr is a central element in the strategic development of the Ruhr area into the 'Wissensmetropolie Ruhr' and is an experience for young and young-at-heart-people who are enthusiastic about science. We are delighted to be able to support such a great event and look forward to the next WissensNacht Ruhr.

You can find some pictures of the event in our <link internal-link internal link in current>picture gallery or on <link https: www.facebook.com mpicec external-link-new-window internal link in current>Facebook.