This years Frontiers Award took place from March 3rd to 5th, 2015 at the MPI CEC
Since 1995 the MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion presents the "Frontiers Award" to an internationally outstanding and renowned scientist.What is special about this prize is that apart from an official ceremony and a ceremonial address the prize winners hold lectures for the staff of the institute which present the principles of their research work at an elevated level. The prize winner is also available for a whole week for scientific discussions with the staff.
This year Prof. Eberhard Umbach won the Frontiers Award for his sedulous engagement within the siences to promote the 'Energiewende' in Germany and for his outstanding research work on the field of experimental surface physics wherby he was involved in the development of several time-resolved synchrotron methods.
One highlight was for sure his award lecture “Chemical Research for the ‚Energiewende‘: Luxury or Necessity?“, in that Prof. Umbach discussed the possibilities, risks and progress of the chemical research work for the 'Energiewende'.
We summed up the content of his lectures in our <link file:1966 file>press release (in German only).
Find more information on the Frontiers Award and some pictures <link internal link in current>here.