Prof. Schlögl in radio interview

Director speaks about the future of mobility

Prof. Schlögl in the rbb studio (c) inforadio/Prinzler

In September <link internal-link internal link in current>Prof. Schlögl, director of the department '<link internal-link internal link in current>Heterogeneous Catalysis' gave an interview on <link https: radio index.html external-link-new-window internal link in current>rbb (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg).

Thomas Prinzler, the scientific editor wanted to know Prof. Schlögl thoughts about the future of mobility, the development of combustion engines and the potential of electric cars.

<link http: programm schema sendungen vis_a_vis external-link-new-window internal link in current>Listen to Prof. Schlögls answers and his vision in the radio feature on the website of rbb.
(german only)