
Here you will find the latest news from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion - new research results and publications, prizes and awards, innovations on our campus, interesting projects and cooperations and much more.

Overwhelming recognition for research project

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All important information about the award ceremony on Wednesday, 27 November

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New publication in JACS

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Award ceremony in Munich

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Cooperation between MPI CEC and RWTH Aachen

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Award ceremony and symposium in Mülheim with top-class speakers

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Walter Leitner gives lectures at universities in Japan

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Catalytic Valorization of Industrial Carbon

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Prof. Schlögl in an interview with Deutschlandfunk

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International exchange of innovative research ideas

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New project CUBE gets funding

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Results published in Science Advances

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Lectureship at Northwestern University

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CEC Director Walter Leitner is nominated for the German Federal President's Award for Innovation in Science and Technology

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Erstes Lehrjahr hat begonnen

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An interview with Robert Schlögl in "WELT"

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Chaired by CEC Director Walter Leitner

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Roofing ceremony at the institute

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New Paper in ACS Catalysis by Ioannis Spanos and colleagues

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New paper in PNAS

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