
Here you will find the latest news from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion - new research results and publications, prizes and awards, innovations on our campus, interesting projects and cooperations and much more.

Beeing a scientist

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Prof. Serena DeBeer recieved SBIC Early Career Award

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The MPI CEC received the "Azubipreis" by the Max Planck Society

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Mainau Declaration 2015 on Climate Change signed

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Prof. Gärtner as a new member of the Editorial Board of jbc

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Major step foward in the development of novel fuel cells

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IMPRS RECHARGE geht an den Start

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Prof. DeBeer held seminar at the ITQB in Lisbon

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Great succes: Dr. Vera Krewald receives Otto Hahn Medal

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Girls'Day 2015 - a raving success

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Prof. Neese as Davidson lecturer at the UNT

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MPI CEC Solar system measured significant effects of the solar eclipse

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Dr. Nyrow attended XFEL Users' Meeting

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Prof. Auer as new chairman of the local GDCh section

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SBIC Early Career Award for Prof. Serena DeBeer

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Prof. Schlögl awarded with the Alwin Mittasch Prize during the annual meeting of the German Catalysis Society

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Dr. Pantazis gives interview in 'Climatecentral' and 'E&T'

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GIT published Dr. Rumpels' research results

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Frontiers Award winner gives exciting lectures at the MPI CEC

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Prof. Schlögl appointed as adviser for the BMBF High-Tech-Forum

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