Große Auszeichnung für die Karriere

SBIC Early Career Award für Prof. Serena DeBeer

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the <link http: sbic-news _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>2015 SBIC Early Career Award is <link internal-link internal link in current>Professor Serena DeBeer, research group leader at the MPI CEC in the department '<link internal-link internal link in current>Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy'. Professor DeBeer will receive the award plaque at a special ceremony in Beijing, China at the 17th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC17) that will take place on July 20th-24th, 2015.

<link http: sbic-awards.aspx external-link-new-window external link in new>The SBIC Early Career Award will be awarded annually and the two most recent Awardees will present award lectures at the next ICBIC. The award will be presented to an early career scientist (no more than 15 years post-Ph.D. at the nomination deadline) who has already accomplished distinguished research in biological inorganic chemistry.